It's not about you, it's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's what about we choose to leave behind.

We need a plan. 
Where's your plan?
Downstairs.. where is yours?

The whole world is asking who's gonna be the next Iron Man.
And I don't think that's me Happy.

Stark chose you, 
If you can do the things that I can
he made you an Avenger
and you don't
and I need that.
and then the bad things happen
The whole world needs that
They happen because of you

Maybe Stark was wrong, was he?
Everyone said I was crazy to
 recruit a 14-year old teenager-!
The choice is yours.

So what are you gonna do?
I'm gonna kick his ass.

I need a suit-!

It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves.
But for what is worth Peter, i really am sorry

Maybe if you were good enough
Tony would still be alive

Don't tell me to relax when i messed up so bad!
I'm not Iron man!

No one could live up to Tony. Not even Tony. And he was a mess.
He second-guessed everything he did, he was all over the place.
The one thing he did that didn't second-guessed was picking you. 

Why did you do this?
You see, people nowadays need to believe,
and they believe in anything

--for the next Tony Stark
ps. i trust you